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  • 更新时间:2014-01-12
  • 论文字数:11854
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Abstract:This six foot crawler robot design is based on the Control circuit board , the wireless remote control to send a Instruction to the receiver, the receiver will send a Instruction to the Control circuit board, then the Control circuit board sends a Instruction to the Steering gear, the Steering gear revice a Signal and According to the Pulse width to Turn a Angle .then can achieve Advance、Retreat、Turn left and Turn right.at the process of the design .we use The PC software to control the Steering gear and to program and Debugging,When the Program is right,We will download the program to the internal of the SCM.use the Lithium Battery for the Power supply and last Achieve the Independent state and on a Wireless Control status.

Key words: Six-legged crawler robot;Servo control circuit board;Wireless remote control;Instruction;The PC software;Program; Independent state


   六足机器人又叫蜘蛛机器人,是多足机器人的一种。仿生式六足机器人,顾名思义,六足机器人在我们理想架构中,我们借鉴了自然界 昆虫的运动原理。足是昆虫的运动器官。昆虫有3对足,在前胸、中胸和后胸各有一对,我们相应地称为前足、中足和后足。每个足由基节、转节、腿节、胫节、跗节和前跗节几部分组成。基节是足最基部的一节,多粗短。转节常与腿节紧密相连而不活动。腿节是最长最粗的一节。第四节叫胫节,一般比较细长,长着成排的刺。第五节叫跗节,一般由2-5个亚节组成﹔为的是便于行走。在最末节的端部还长着两个又硬又尖的爪,可以用它们来抓住物体。行走是以三条腿为一组进行的,即一侧的前、后足与另一侧的中足为一组。这样就形成了一个三角形支架结构,当这三条腿放在地面并向后蹬时,另外三条腿即抬起向前准备替换。前足用爪固定物体后拉动虫体向前,中足用来支持并举起所属一侧的身体,后足则推动虫体前进,同时使虫体转向。这种行走方式使昆虫可以随时随地停息下来,因为重心总是落在三角支架之内。并不是所有成虫都用六条腿来行走,有些昆虫由于前足发生了特化,有了其他功用或退化,行走就主要靠中、后足来完成了。大家最为熟悉的要算螳螂了,我们常可看到螳螂一对钳子般的前足高举在胸前,而由后面四条足支撑地面行走。