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This paper is aimed to dig out the feminist value of Charlotte Bronte, the writer of Jane Eyre, by analyzing the heroine Jane from the point of feminism and other features shown in the novel. This paper summarizes the research of Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte herself at home and abroad, and discusses Jane Eyre's pursuit of independence, equality and freedom. At the same time, it also includes the limitation of her feminism. In short, this thesis proves that the female consciousness had got a great progress in the 1850s.

Key words: feminism; Jane Eyre; Charlotte Bronte; equality and freedom





1. Introduction..1

2. Feminism and Charlotte Bronte.2

2.1 Definition of Feminism2

2.2 Personal Experiences of Charlotte Bronte3

3. The Feminism in Jane Eyre5

3.1The Pursuit of Financial Independence 5

3.2 The Pursuit of Equality7

3.3The Pursuit of Freedom9

4. Limitation of Feminism in Jane Eyre10

5. Conclusion.12
