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关键词:严歌苓 影视改编 类型 反类型


Abstract:Since the 1990s, novels of Yan Geling have always been adapted into films and TV drama programs. The films include Siao Yu,the White Sun,and the Sent-down Girl, while the TV drama programs include An Epic of a Woman, Aunt Dou Ho, Come the Felicity of the Door and Tie Lihua. Also, the film adaptation of Jinling 13 Chai is being shot by the famous director Zhang Yimou. Whether deviation from the literature works is a contributive one or a destructive one, is determined by the competition of being genres or being anti-genres. On the one hand, to be genres, the films beautify the love stories, visualize the female bodies, and make the ethic issues match up to the ages, while the TV drama programs are restricted under the concept and normal formulas of Saga TV plays and family moral plays. On the other hand, to be anti-genres, the films take marginal situations in crevice as their materials, while the TV drama programs turn out to be variation and mixtures of the existing genres. 

Key Words: Yan Geling; Film Adaptation; Genre;Anti-Genre