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  • 更新时间:2014-07-28
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关键词:额尔古纳河右岸; 爱 ; 鄂温克族


Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of society, various social problems come , but the understanding and interpretation of the "love" has been neglected by the modern people. And "The Right Bank of Eergu'Na River" shows "love" is rich and colorful.The "love" can be divided into two levels: one is between individual and nature, culture beyond the individual itself and selfless love, defined as "big love", including the temperature of Croats to nature love, Ewenki people on the national culture of love, and their love of the shaman. Another layer is generated between the individual and the individual emotion, defined as "small love", including the affection and friendship. This paper is the analysis of the "big love" and "small love" as a system, which leads to the modern social development process in the "love" of the demise of the emotion and reflection.

Key Words: The Right Bank of Eergu'Na River; love; Ewenki people