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  • 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词 花粉;面包;工艺;黄酮类化合物


Abstract:Pollen is a kind of pure natural nutritional health food products, which nutritional composition including protein, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, flavonoids, cellulose, lignin, etc. In this paper, with high gluten flour and pollen as the main raw material, add soft sugar, yeast, improvers as auxiliary raw material for the production of pollen bread, nature of the physical and chemical properties, bread texture (hardness, elastic) were determined after manufacture, through the single factor experiment and orthogonal test, the best formula for pollen bread was determined: pollen 3%, bread soft white sugar 10%, yeast 1.5%, improvers 1.5%; processing technology research based on the best formula of raw materials, through the single factor and orthogonal test, the optimum process conditions of pollen bread was determined: the dough to wake time 2h, baking time 15min. Through the determination of flavonoid pollen bread for optimum process of compound, calculated the pollen content of flavonoids in bread was 0.0136 mg/g.

Keywords  Pollen  Bread  Technology  Flavonoids