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ABSTRACT:The factory after investigation found that auto parts logistics path interference on the global auto parts suppliers a lot of domestic and foreign scholars made a lot of effort to solve this problem. In the process of internship, I found out that chongqing auto parts suppliers  the problem of disturbance of roads are more serious, it increasing the difficulty of auto parts manufacturers of inventory control, and greatly increases inventory costs, reduce the utilization rate of the turnover box, car parts maker, only by increasing investment turnover box to solve the problem, became the obstacles to auto parts suppliers implement JIT production a major problem.

   In this paper, on the basis of in-depth analysis of interference management research status, the subjects were identified as auto parts recycling pickup inbound logistics vehicle scheduling in a combination of roads disturbed interference events. First, the road disturbed parts inbound logistics vehicle scheduling cycles picking up interference management issues are analyzed, and I describes theory that relates the way disturbed parts inbound logistics vehicle scheduling cycles picking up interference management issues. Secondly, based on interference management ideas, build a vehicle scheduling interference management model which is based on the road disturbed. Finally, use algorithms to solve the model, and validate algorithm and model by using a instance of the algorithm.

  The auto parts recycling pickup inbound logistics vehicle scheduling in a combination of roads disturbed interference event are observed in this topic. After Interference, the pick-up time window being a precondition, we minimize system disturbances, minimize inbound logistics recycling pick-up costs, build interference management model, and analyze simulation combined with the actual case, and generate the smallest lowest cost adjustment programs which can solve the interference event quickly generate. It can provide with decision support of pick-up the process for the real-time scheduling cycle work to, and there is important theoretical value and practical value for reducing the cost of auto parts pick-up inbound logistics and improving service levels. 

Keywords:milk-run,Inference management;Road disturbed;Genetic algorithm