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关键词 发酵香肠;亚硝酸盐;抗氧化剂;清除率


Abstract:First by comparing three kinds of antioxidant ascorbic acid, polysaccharide, monascus red pigment the mushrooms on the nitrite scavenging effect, when the concentration of ascorbic acid 0.4 mg/ml, show Jane mushroom polysaccharide concentration of 500μg/ml, monascus red pigment concentration 150μg/ml, the clearance rate of nitrite. Then in different strains of the fermented sausage added add right amount above concentrations of antioxidants, compared each group nitrite the clearance rate of fermented sausage. C bacteria, L1, L2 and L1 and C bacteria compound, L2 and five groups of bacteria composite C are added clearance 500μg polysaccharide is the highest clearance, respectively, 43.5%, 32.7%, 35.5%, 44.2% and 32.7%, respectively. Therefore, in the case of adding L1 and C bacteria, 500μg show Jane mushroom polysaccharide to nitrite clearance rate is highest in fermented sausage.Selection for 500μg show Jane gu polysaccharide of the five groups in compound polysaccharide with various strains of fermentation sausage detection storage period of acid value and peroxide value, get L2bacteria and show Jane gu polysaccharide compound sausage acid value and peroxide value of the minimum, 2.34mg/g, 0.121%, respectively.  

Keywords  Fermented sausage  Nitrite  Antioxidant  Clearance rate