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  • 更新时间:2014-08-30
  • 论文字数:4704
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  • 课题来源:(bevivid)提供原创文章


Abstract:"Gone with the wind" is American female writer Margaret Mitchel's representative work, and her singular work. The background of the novel is American civil war, and the main line of the novel is the love and hate between Scarlett and several men, which is accompanied by social and historical changes. One of the great success of the novel is that it created the distinct personality of the protagonist Scarlett. This paper is mainly to analyze Scarlett’s Character, which is proved to be strong, rebellious, vain and selfish. And the double character of Scarlett is particularly analyzed in this paper. The reasons for the formation of Scarlett’s characters are also discussed in the paper. Finally, this paper analyzed the significance of Scarlett’s character in today's society. 

Key words:Scarlett,Double Character,Reasons,Significance


