A Tentative Study on Screen Translation.doc

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  • 更新时间:2014-08-13
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Abstract: With the development of science and technology, Chinese nowadays have more access to foreign TV series and movies, and they are eager to learn about foreign cultures. Due to the differences between languages and cultures, translation plays a crucial role in the process of information exchange. This paper focuses on the screen translation and emphasizes the importance of it. It first introduces the history of screen translation and then gives definition to subtitles. Next, it explains the unique characteristics of subtitles, namely, colloquialism, fashion, service and time and space limitations. In addition, it discusses subtitle groups, which is very popular now, states that domestication will remain the dominant strategy and analyzes some existing problems in subtitles in order to draw these translators’ attention so that they can better their translation. After that, this paper lists some strategies that translators can use to perfect their translation. Only in this way can Chinese people savor the original works and get to know about foreign cultures.


Keywords: screen translation; subtitle groups; domestication; strategies;