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  • 更新时间:2014-06-11
  • 论文字数:4740
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  • 课题来源:(sana0722)提供原创文章


Abstract:In the competitive trade fair, more and more enterprises want to succeed. Many exhibitors pay attention to the luxurious decoration and the size of the booth. Some exhibitors compete for the booths in some places where more people will pass by. However, how do minor companies do with limited amount of money? How they succeed in the trade fair? Advertising is the important factor for them to succeed. This paper mainly analyzes how minor companies choose and make a good use of advertising to promote their brands and products with limited funds, through this way they can succeed in the trade fair. Moreover, special advertising is their best choice. Limited funds can be used to achieve the excellent result in the trade fair through the special advertising.

Key words: Trade fair;minor companies;advertising;special advertising 


中文摘要:在展会中企业竞争激烈, 越来越多的企业纷纷看中在展会上的成功,参展商都注重大展位和展会的豪华装饰, 有足够资本的企业都在竞争一些处于人流量比较大的展位。但是中小企业受到实力的限制, 他们要如何在展会上脱颖而出?广告是他们在展会上脱颖而出的重要因素。本文主要分析中小企业如何巧妙的选择和运用广告来宣传自己企业和产品的特色,使其在广交会中取得成功。而礼品广告是中小企业的最佳选择,使中小企业的有限资金在展会中取得最佳的效果。

关键词: 会展;中小企业;广告;礼品广告