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[摘要] 1985年开始发生的寻根文学,使得王安忆跻身于寻根作家的行列,创作出了寻根文学的经典之作《小鲍庄》,但是不同于其他寻根文学作家,王安忆对于寻根文学的不断追求和探索,使得她继《小鲍庄》之后,转变了自己的寻根意识,从一开始的盲目寻根到最后变为找到自己最终的根,即从追求民族文化传统之根到追求(上海)地域文化之根。可见王安忆当时的寻根意识并不是追随大流,寻根意识一直存在于她的身上,并且经历了从追求民族传统文化之根到追求(上海)地域文化之根。

[关键词]  王安忆; 寻根文学; 民族文化;  地域文化;  知青作家


[Abstract] The Root Searching Literature started in the year of 1985. It made the author called Wang An-yi began to become one of the Root Searching Author’s range, and she produced a sutra Root Searching literature production  called ‘Xiao Bao Zhuang’. But be differ from other Root Searching literature author, Wang An-yi always pursued and explored Root Searching literature and it made her turned up her consciousness of Root Searching Literature. Maybe at first she was blinded to root searching  but at last she found  her finally base.This was meant from pursue nationality traditional cultural root searching to pursue (Shanghai)section  traditional cultural root searching.Therefore I think Wang An-yi’s original“roots searching consciousness”wasn’t abided by others. The consciousness has been existing in her brain always,and experienced purse nationality traditional cultural root searching to pursue (Shanghai)section  traditional cultural root searching.

[Key words] Wang An-yi; Root searching literature; Nationality culture; Section culture;;young author



 在1985年,很多的知青作家开始将自己的文学取向从对历史的反思和对现实的批判方面转变为对艺术本体的自觉关注。作家韩少功的《文学的“根”》一文第一次明确的阐明了“寻根文学”的立场,他认为:“文学之根应该植根于民族文化的土壤里,根不深,则叶难茂,而我们的责任就是释放现代观念的能量,来重铸和镀亮‘民族的自我’。 ”他的这一观点后来被许多作家认为是寻根文学运动的宣言。如果按照范围来划分寻根文化的话,从作家选取的某个地域作为切入文化层面基点的角度来分析,可以把“文根文学”分为“乡村文化寻根”以及“城市文化寻根”。而王安忆就是经历了从寻找乡村文化到城市文化的这一转变过程。